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The Distemper comic book series is an exploration of a world ravaged by The Dog Flu.


With narratives that take place before, during, and after the initial outbreak, the various short stories and the ongoing comic book (published by Blood Moon Comics) weave a growing collection of #DistemperVerse narratives. 


Chased is the first arc in the ongoing Distemper comic book series and tells the story of a group of survivors - some of whom were previously seen in the short story, Empty - who are inexorably pulled into an escalating cycle of violence with a bunch of crazies they stumble upon. Issue #1 ("A Fucking Farmhouse In The Fucking Woods?") goes on sale on 12/13/23.


The stories are presented below chronologically in relation to March 7th and the first recorded death.




Mickey Mouse Murdered My Mom

(153 days since the first recorded death)

MMMMM Page 6 Panel 1.png

while society is crumbling, one survivor is treated to a lesson in how some elements of humanity will deal with the oncoming  and inevitable anarchy 

To Hunker In The Bunker

(310 days since the first recorded dead)

The Irresistible Force

(241 days since the first recorded dead)

The Irresistible Force Page 2 Panel 3.png

a career general reflects on the one enemy his men couldn't find, confront, or defeat 

a family decide to take refuge in a cold war bunker,  not realizing that their animosity for one another would be more deadly than the Dog Flu


(357 days since the first recorded dead)

when a group of survivors find that a gas station isn't quite as empty as they thought, they are quickly reminded of the harsh realities of the new world


(373 days since the first recorded dead)

a group of survivors are inexorably pulled into an escalating cycle of violence. This is the first 8 pages of Distemper #1 "Chased: A Fucking Farmhouse In The Fucking Woods?"


(1076 days since the first recorded dead)

after the collapse of civilization, how does man remain better than the animals?

Greatest City On Earth

(850 days since the first recorded dead)

GCOE Page 1 Panel 4.png

​the fate of new york, seen from the perspective of one resident who watches as Manhattan evolves from being "the epicenter of death" to a spark of hope for the survivors


(1393 days since the first recorded dead)

The Procession Page 1 Panel 3.png

several years after the collapse, one man undertakes his most meaningful journey

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